Bibee Fronts

Bibees are the stylish friends who pop in and out of your life like a colourful whirlwind, and together with a Bibee Dress of your choice, help you create countless trendy looks for every day. They are the fun part of the Bibee experience as they’re available in a range of smiley styles and fab fabrics – simply pop one onto your Bibee Dress and you’re good to go. Bibees are so much more than just ordinary nursing tops and are guaranteed to change the way you feel about maternity wear.

The unique design of the Bibee makes breastfeeding a breeze, yet the convenience doesn’t come at the expense of looking fashionable and feeling comfortable. It’s the perfect, fun alternative to overly expensive and uninteresting maternity wear. The Bibee is essentially the interchangeable dress-front that completes your look. Not only is it the ultimate accessory that transforms your maternity wardrobe, but it also allows you to nurse easily and discreetly. Just a few buttons stand between you and your next fab look. The best part about the Bibee is that it will see you through your pregnancy and the months thereafter. They’ll brighten up your wardrobe and add a dash of style and flair in no time at all.

The hardest part will be deciding on which Bibee to buy!

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